
Enrolling at our school


Enrolment pack can be downloaded from this website or collected from the school office. The school office is open Monday to Friday from 8am - 4pm.  We would love to welcome new families into our school community.

Parents are required to contact the office to make an appointment with a deputy principal to complete the enrolment procedure.

Please ensure you also bring the following to this meeting:

  • Current proof of residency at the address indicated can be provided by way of one of each of the following:
    • One primary source - a current lease agreement, or drivers licence, or unconditional sale agreement, and

    • One secondary source - a utility bill (e.g. electricity, gas), or rates notice showing this same address and parents/legal guardians name.
  • Child's birth certificate/passport.

  • Any medical information including paediatric or hospital reports.

  • Any reports from speech pathologists, occupational therapists, hearing or vision tests.

  • Any reports or information from any medical or other specialist that your child has received.

Enrolment pack

Please complete and bring to the school office:

Enrolment booklet (PDF, 4MB)

Third Party Website Consent Form (PDF, 333KB)

Other information

Student Code of Conduct (PDF,  1.25MB)

Last reviewed 08 June 2023
Last updated 08 June 2023